Interview at Yutani Blog

To celebrate Alien Day 2019 the venerable Studio Yutani spoke to a stable of fans and creatives involved in the Alien series, and they put together some cool stuff for the celebration.

There is an interview with Matt Savage, the Costume Concept Artist for Prometheus, another interview with Dave Gogel of Perfect Organism, and a podcast featuring J.W. Rinzler of the upcoming The Making of Alien! There is also music from Alien: Cold Forge novelist Alex White and a brief interview with yours truly which you can read here at Yutani Blog.

I never appear on podcasts due to a number of factors, so there isn’t a lot of ‘me’ out there in community, so this little interview might be enjoyable or illuminating (maybe even annoying) for some of Strange Shapes‘ readers and lurkers. Many thanks to Studio Yutani for reaching out!

In the meantime, more soon. . .


Filed under Alien Series

5 responses to “Interview at Yutani Blog

  1. Pingback: Strange Shapes speaks in “Interview at Yutani Blog.” – The Nostromo Files

  2. Tom

    Glad to see you keeping your hand in with all matters Xenomorph, hope your real-life issues improve – have been enjoying your writing for a while. Hoping that one day you’ll get to touching on Covenant.

  3. Jovan Ristic

    Valaquen is alive and kicking!

  4. BillTed

    Good to hear from you friend.
    You should drop us a line more often.
